Organize a Televisit with the Best Doctors
from Anywhere in the World!

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    Why iusDOC?

    Get advice from the best specialists in the world


    iusDoc searches on both GLOBAL and LOCAL SCALE and constantly improves its output using a machine learning mechanism.

    Select specialists based on their


    The AI algorithm underlying the platform identifies a shortlist of doctors who have obtained high success values in relation to the pathology investigated.

    Shorten times and overcome language barriers with


    If there is no common language, we offer an interpreting service in order to facilitate communication between patient and specialist.

    How does it work

    In 5 simple steps:

    STEP 1


    STEP 2


    STEP 3


    STEP 4


    STEP 5


    About us

    iusDoc is a platform that aims to support patients in the advanced search for the best specialized doctor in the treatment of the pathology under investigation.

    Initially created to support the search for experts for rare diseases, it later expanded its capabilities to all pathologies.

    The artificial intelligence algorithm underlying the platform starts from the pathology and, based on a set of specific parameters, identifies and selects a short list of doctors who have achieved high success and specialization values in relation to the pathology investigated.


    To request a televisit, simply select the specialist from the proposed list and enter your personal data to be contacted.

    Booking is quick and easy: after making a request you will receive within 48 hours the availability of the specialist from whom you can choose the day and time to carry out the televisit.

    It is possible to cancel the appointment by following the procedures indicated in the text of the email received during booking.

    No, it is not possible to book face-to-face outpatient visits.

    After making a request you will receive within 48 hours the specialist's availability from which you can choose the day and time to carry out the televisit.

    In this case you can enter your own diagnostic question. Symptoms cannot be entered.

    It is possible to choose the specialist from the list generated following the insertion of the pathology/diagnostic question. The search bar is present on the homepage.

    Yes, it is possible to search both locally, by selecting a country, and globally, by searching all over the world.

    The iusDoc team will not abandon you, we will be ready to offer you a valid alternative.

    Making a televisit is very simple: you need to use a PC, tablet or smartphone with a stable internet connection. From your reserved area you can access the scheduled televisit session.

    It is possible to upload reports, documents and images in .pdf, .jpg, .png, .tiff, .mp4, .bmp, .csv format and the uploading of DICOM images is also supported.

    During the televisit it is possible to share documents with the Doctor although it is preferable to upload them before the visit in order to allow the doctor to consult them.

    We recommend checking the stability of your connection and possibly using another device equipped with a microphone and webcam. It is possible to access televisit again from your reserved area.

    To make a televisit you can use a PC, tablet or smartphone with a stable internet connection. The PC must be equipped with a microphone and webcam, while for smartphones or tablets the use of earphones is recommended for better management.

    At the end of the televisit, the patient receives the report in digital format (pdf), with the specialist's indications on any tests to be taken or prescriptions.

    We decided to define a single price for televisits equal to € 250. The price may, however, vary depending on the country of origin of the doctor, in which case we will take care of agreeing on the most advantageous price for patient.

    Payment is online and is made at the time of booking.

    Yes, visits carried out remotely using electronic methods are deductible. Telemedicine as such, in fact, falls within the scope of healthcare services.

    The processing of personal data and the protection of privacy are guaranteed by the service provider. Read the disclosure.

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